mens black riding boots You are also confusing hue and saturation.mens black riding bootsWikipedia has a section on color theory that explains the distinctions between these terms as well as between warm and cold hues. mens black riding boots Warmth and coolness of colors are a result of hue not saturation. Blue, for instance is one of the coolest colors. mens black riding boots mens black riding boots It can also be very saturated. This isn't meant to be a snobbery. I make this statement for a variety of reasons. 1) The terms "cool colors"warm colors" and "cool colors" are terms that have definitions, mens black riding boots but they are very different from how you're employing these terms (I haven't seen anyone else use these terms the way you are using them). Utilizing these words in different ways can genuinely confuse. elevator casual shoes2) The terms used are important when it comes to describing the significance of distinctions. The way a color goes with black is mostly an issue of its saturation (whether something is colorful or more gray/black/white) but hue (this is where warmth and coolness come into play) and value (how dark or light something is) may also are a factor. mens black riding boots Any explanation of the meaning of black will be incomplete if only one of these factors is considered. Reply Simon Cromptonreplied: View 11 months ago Thanks EL. When I say that a colour is more saturated, I really mean hue. Did you get it. It is important to note that point 2. However, I think the difference between light and dark is more important. mens black riding boots It certainly feels less to me. Point 1: The way I use the phrases is intuitive and allows me to communicate with others. I'm not certain if anyone else has commented on it being confusing. If I substitute the word "saturation" for 'hue' how is the way I'm using these terms confusing? I'd like to find out. Thanks a lot E Lreplied: View |