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Alexander Wang is always the coolest show, so the celebs and the fashion set always bring out their coolest get-ups to fit right in. Black is always a go-to, like Julia Restoin Roitfeld’s black separates, a cool black leather crop top and an asymmetrical black skirt. Then there’s Rihanna, who never has to try to be cool because she just always is (yes we’re jealous). She rocked a T by Alexander Wang metallic blue rain coat and bucket hat, plus shoes and a Replica Bottega Veneta Bags from the Alexander Wang collection that walked the runway in front of her now that’s cool. Hanneli Mustaparta apparently got the memo to dress for rain from Riri, because she came sporting a dress from Miu Miu’s latest collection that was perfectly suited for a whimsical rainy day. Nowadays New York Fashion Week is about so much more than the clothes walking down the runway. So much of the action happens in the front rows or even on the streets. While the shows maybe be trotting out next seasons newest looks, street style and the clothes adorning the front row are all about what’s happening right now. The best style of the moment is always touted out for fashion week, so let’s take a look at what’s been worn. On the streets, denim is always a big hit. The more distressed and destroyed your denim, the better. Now wearing denim isn’t an excuse not to show a little leg, fashionistas across New York are bearing their knees, and more, all while wearing a pair of jeans. So hold off on throwing away a pair of perhaps too worn in or too ripped jeans, even a pair that seems to be hanging by a couple threads can make you look like a street style star. The Jason Wu show is another of the weeks hottest tickets that draws the entire fashion set together. Miroslava Duma, the Russian queen of street style, played with some classics like a striped t-shirt dress, some white Converse, and a mini Replica Bottega Veneta Bags. Susie Lau aka Susie Bubble continued her affair with prints, mixing and layering several bright printed pieces and finished it all off with some bold blue printed shoes. Others went for a more minimalist style, like Sofia Sanchez Barrenechea and her simple high-neck sleeveless crop top and simple black ankle pant, all to prove that a little minimalism can make for maximum impact. Another street style trope that always pops up is remixing classic pieces, like those seen here on Annina Mislin. This classic striped menswear-style shirt is extra long on Mislin, but it’s worn with only two buttons done up, providing for a great combo of crop and longline. And then there’s the leather jacket, an ever-stylish piece that has seen a definite resurgence in recent years. Of course, the street style set has to make it special, so they like to wear it draped over their shoulders. This look is a perfect example of how some classic basics can turn into uber stylish perfection if put together and styled right. The front rows at Diane Von Furstenberg were filled with fun and feminine style. Style blogger extraordinaire Chiara Ferragni worked a classic short trench coat as a dress, and then paired it with a baby blue Replica Celine Bags and some standout shades. Then there’s the stylish duo of Zoe Deutsch and Allison Williams, Deutsch rocked a wispy floral print deep v-neck dress while Williams went for a more demure white frock with black and white gingham details (aka the cutest picnic dress ever). Finally there’s Kelly Framel who decided not to button up her white button-up shirt at all, but instead she tied it and rolled the sleeves. She then added an eye-catching skirt and a cool pair of Ray Bans to finish off this fashionably fun look. While the clothes walking down the runway during New York Fashion Week may cost you a pretty penny, front row worthy style is another story altogether. A couple standout pieces and some well styled classics can go along way, and neither of those things has to come straight out of a designer boutique. Whether it’s the showstoppers or the classic pieces that you’re looking for, we have them all picked just for you in our NYFW sale that will have you looking street style ready in no time (and without the runway prices). |