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And don’t forget to accessorize with a really good gym Chloe Replica Handbags Louis Vuitton Neverfull anybody? A baseball cap and even a Stella McCartney Yoga mat you can find everything you need for a stylish gym look. It’s that time of year again when the sneakers come out from under the bed and the gym drawer is inspected for mothballs. January is when we all make our resolution to get in shape and shed those extra Christmas pounds. It’s officially time to get your ‘Athleisure’ on, but fear not exercise attire doesn’t have to be boring and functional. If you’re going to head to a class or pound the treadmill, you might as well look fabulous doing it. Athleisure in the past few years has evolved into a full-blown trend, and the best part: you don’t actually need to workout to rock the athleisure trend. Take Yeezy Season 7 as an example: modeled by Kim Kardashian. While she may very well work out in the gym every day, she certainly wasn’t doing it in those outfits! Utility fashion has never been so easy, with brands like Off-White and Yeezy leading the charge, Balenciaga has also found a niche in high-end athleisure, ditto Gucci and Vetements. As for those of you actually planning on the gym, not just looking like it, there are a plethora of activewear options, Lululemon clearly rules the roost with Kate Hudson’s Fabletics, Replica Prada Bags for Adidas, Under Armour, Terez, and Sweaty Betty, all gym drawer staples. We love coordinated sets with prints and colour for a stand-out workout. |